Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Sister s Keeper By Jodi Picoult - 1421 Words

My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult is related to what we have studied in AP Biology because the book explored the issue of genetics. In AP Biology, we discussed the different kinds of genetic diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, down syndrome, and cystic fibrosis. We learned about each disease’s inheritance pattern, either recessive or dominant. In the book, Anna’s older sister, Kate was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia, which she has many immature white blood cells in her body. Inevitably, this led to a deficiency of healthy blood cells to fight off foreign pathogens or diseases. Other than the fact that the book is related to the genetics unit, it is also relevant to the discussion we had in class about a person who underwent a bone marrow transplant to treat his cancer. Similarly, Kate eventually received a bone marrow from her sister. I would recommend this book to others because the book is very interesting and suspenseful. My Sister’s Kee per is center around Anna, her sick sister Kate, their family and their struggle against leukemia that changed their lives forever. At first I thought that the book was kind of dull because the beginning was all about Kate’s diagnosis with leukemia and the treatment she received. But the story took a turn and the reader is introduced with Anna’s lawsuit against her parents. This led me to think that Anna donated her bone marrow and blood against her will. Unexpectedly, in court Anna revealed that she filed the lawsuitShow MoreRelatedMy Sister s Keeper By Jodi Picoult979 Words   |  4 PagesMy Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult beautifully illustrates many different legal, ethical, and moral dilemmas that can accompany a possible terminal illness diagnosis within a family especially that of a young family. Ultimately the book causes you to re-examine any stance you may have had between that of what is legally and ethically right and what is morally right. Brian and Sara Fitzgerald have two small children who seem healthy and happy. Suddenly their daughter Kate falls sick, and after manyRead MoreAnalysis Of Jodi Picoult s My Sister s Keeper Essay1701 Words   |  7 Pagesliterary works. Among these literary works is Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper, a novel in which the theory of existentialism is actively present and found in many elements of the story. These elements, upon further observation, exhibit the six major concepts or existentialism: existence, freedom, facticity, despair, absurdity, and atheism. It can be noted therefore, that the critical theory of existentialism is evident in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper, as all of the aforementioned concepts areRead MoreMy Sister s Keeper By Jodi Picoult1216 Words   |  5 PagesReading Response – Kaitlyn Baker My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult Sad novels have never really appealed to me. I’ve never been drawn by their sombre and depressing tone, often leaving me in a state of wondering, what now? This novel didn’t excite me at first. The storyline of ‘My Sister’s Keeper’ by Jodi Picoult, follows Anna Fitzgerald as she takes her parents to court so that she could be emancipated from medically supporting here leukaemia ridden sister, Kate. But as I read through, there wereRead MorePersonal Narrative : My Sister s Keeper By Jodi Picoult1424 Words   |  6 PagesReading is my life. I enjoy every book that I pick up. I have many favorite authors from all types of backgrounds and all types of genres. My five favorite books are as followed: A Thousand Splendid Suns, My Sister’s Keeper, My Sister’s Keeper, The Secret Life of Bees and Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man. Each novel plays an important role in my life, they helped me get through some tough times. The books that I read whi le I was in high school helped me to find courage, to find faith, to find myselfRead MoreMy Sisters Keeper and Morality1345 Words   |  6 PagesMy Sister’s Keeper – Jodi Picoult Where is the line with choices? How is a decision determined to be right or wrong? These are some of the questions that summarize the concept of the book My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Anna, the protagonist, files a law suit against her parents, Brian and Sara, because they forced her to make medical decisions that were not her own. Anna is sympathetic with her sister’s condition and has given all she can to ensure Kate’s recovery from leukemia. Yet theRead MoreDonor Babies : Grace Of God Saviors Or Last Resort Recyclables1226 Words   |  5 Pagessaviors or last resort recyclables â€Å"It made me wonder, thought, what would have happened if Kate had been healthy. Certainly, I would not be part of this family.† A quotation from the 2004 book My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult. (My Sister s Keeper) A book about a girl who was born as a donor baby to help her sister not die. In the book Anna wants the rights to her body and goes to court to get them. Why shouldn’t she, how horrible would it be to have to always give a part of your â€Å"unwanted† body andRead MoreMy Sister s Keeper By Kate Fitzgerald1990 Words   |  8 PagesMy Sister’s Keeper follows the story of 13-year-old Anna Fitzgerald, who unexpectedly sues her parents for medical emancipation. Medical emancipation is granted to a minor, where they are no longer restricted to the wishes of their parents and may make their own decisions regarding medical treatment. Now, the reason Anna seeks medical emancipation is because her parents expect her to give up one of her kidneys for her older sister Kate. Kate Fitzgerald has had leukemia since she was 2, and in theRead MoreRelationships, Fate, And Freewill Essay1196 Words   |  5 Pagestypes and forms have been hard because I usually am better at making conversation with adults. Making friends with people my own age is never something I’ve been too good at, keeping those relationships is very difficult. A novel that I think perfectly represents so many different relationships is My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult. This novel shows the strong bond between sisters. Even though Anna was â€Å"made† to save Katie, Anna still feels so strongly connected to Katie that at one point she compares

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Love in the Time of Cholera Essay - 651 Words

Written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the novel Love in the Time of Cholera deals with a passionate mans unfulfilled love and his quest of more than 50 years to win the heart of his true love. Its without question one of the most emotional depictions of love, but what separates it from similar novels is its suggestion that lovesickness is a literal disease, a plague comparable to cholera. The novels main character is Florentino Ariza, an obsessive young man who falls madly in love with a young girl named Fermina Daza. After a brief affair in which they see each other only in passing, Florentino gets rejected by Fermina. Florentino literally becomes sick and when his mother, Transito Ariza, finds his son in a pool of vomit, she reminds†¦show more content†¦After he sees Fermina for the first time, he immediately loses his voice and his appetite, and spends the entire night tossing and turning around in his bed. The situation gets even worse when he begins to wait for an answer for his letter. ...his anguish was complicated by diarrhea and green vomit, he became disoriented and suffered from sudden fainting spells, and his mother was terrified because his condition did not resemble the turmoil of love so much as the devastation of cholera. Florentino Arizas godfather, an old homeopathic practi#173;tioner who had been Transito Arizas confidant ever since her days as a secret mistress, was also alarmed at first by the patients condition, because he had the weak pulse, the hoarse breathing, and the pale perspiration of a dying man. In addition, this disease of his unfulfilled love forces him to do things he normally would not. At one time, he becomes so hopeless with his love that, in an attempt to understand the tastes of Fermina, he eats gardenias that her mother grows in their backyard and gets drunk by drinking cologne. As time passes, the sickness becomes even more powerful that it transcends the physical to the psychological. Florentino starts to demonstrate obsessive, borderline criminal behavior by stalking Fermina and constantly keeping watch on her house. When hes thrown to jail after serenading for Fermina with his violin, he feels martyred. And after Lorenzo Daza, father of Fermina, threatens toShow MoreRelatedLove in the Time of Cholera1167 Words   |  5 PagesLove Conquers All There are many themes that can be identified throughout the book, Love in the Time of Cholera. Love, as stated in the title, is one of the most important themes within the book. Love is channeled through all of the characters such as; Fermina Daza and Dr. Urbino, Florentino and all of his many affairs with different women, Dr. Urbino and his affair with Barbara Lynch, and most importantly the most powerful love throughout the book is the love between Florentino Ariza and FerminaRead MoreAnalysis Of Love In The Time Of Cholera1444 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The only regret I will have in dying is if it is not for love.† Love in The Time Of Cholera is romantic, slightly comedic novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The novel was published in 1985, in Spanish, and then was later translated to spanish. The author switches tenses throughout the book to tell the story and include flashbacks. The novel Love in The Time Of Cholera is a novel about waiting for true love. Gabriel Garcia Mar quez uses figurative language to help the reader feel the story. The narrativeRead MoreLove and Death in Love in the Time of Cholera1767 Words   |  8 PagesFor readers familiar with Love in the Time of Cholera, the themes of love and death would be constantly visited and revisited again by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in his novel, with a tad of heavy reliance on the cholera pandemic (as the title suggests not so subtly) and going so far as to intertwine them into a single notion (more often than not) throughout. Such a combination (and comparison) is most visible in Florentino, and helps shapes our emotions and thoughts about him as a character. Yet, inRead MoreLove in the Time of Cholera Essay1296 Words   |  6 PagesLove is a powerful emotion that can cause people to act in abnormal ways. In the novel, Love in the Time of Cholera, the main character Florentino Ariza falls passionately in love with Fermina Daza. He immediately spends hours composing poetic love letters to Fermina as his entire life becomes dedicated to loving her. Fermina’s father, who greatly disapproves of the relationship between the two, decides to take his daughter to travel throughout the Caribbean. After many years of separation, whenRead MoreLove In The Time of Cholera Analysis Paper820 Words   |  4 Pages Love in the Time of Cholera In the novel, Love in the Time of Cholera written by Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez, there are many symbols to represent, literally, love in the time of cholera. These symbols are flowers, birds, and rain. Mà ¡rquez uses these similar terms to describe the effects of love and cholera throughout the novel by using all of those symbols ultimately represent or foreshadow anguish and unfortunate disasters that Cholera can bring. Cholera was a contagious disease affecting most ofRead MoreEssay about Love in the Time of Cholera855 Words   |  4 Pagessuggests, the novel Love in the Time of Cholera by Garcia Marquez deals with practical and nostalgic love. The author has the ability of portraying excellent determination in his eagerness to develop his stylistic range. Supporting almost a mythical quality grounded with an air of daily gossip, the novel includes descriptions of love which drift between unearthly beauty and terror. Love in the Time of Cholera is a mixture of two contrasting factors: the purity of love, and the way love is personifiedRead MoreLoyalty in Love in The Time of Cholera Essay806 Words   |  4 PagesWhen one thinks of loyalty, they usually conjure up an image of a dog and his master; the dog, following and doting on its master, willing to give up its life to protect him. In the book, â€Å"Love in the Time of Cholera† written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, many examples of Loyalty are shown. The book starts out with the character Dr. Juvenal Urbino finds out that his friend, Jeremiah de Saint- Amour has committed suicide and left Dr. Urbino a letter with his final instructions. Dr. Urbino dutifullyRead MoreParental Influence on Clashes with Society in Love in the Time of Cholera and The Stranger1620 Words   |  7 Pagesgenerally perceived to be productions of their upbringings and socialization. Latin author, Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez and Algerian writer Albert Camus, introduce how their characters conflict with socialization as a result of their cultivation in Love in the Time of Cholera and The Stranger respectively. In Mà ¡rquez’s novel, the key female role is assigned to Fermina Daza, a middle class Latina in the 1800s-1900s, expected to hold prestige and marry wealthy by her father and societal pressures. In The StrangerRead MoreOutside Forces Creating Change in Characters: Love in the Time of Cholera and The Metamorphosis1517 Words   |  7 PagesAuthors are often well known for their use of outside forces to initiate change within the relationships of their main characters. The works Love in the Time of Cholera and The Metamorphosis are exemplary in this respect. The author’s choice, in both works, to use an outside force helps develop the storyline in each and brings out an underlying irony. Marquez chose to use Dr. Juvenal Urbino, a highly esteemed and prosperous doctor, as an outside force that initiated change in the relationship betweenRead MoreThe Symptoms Of Love And Cholera1656 Words   |  7 Pagessymptoms of love equated in the novel with the symptoms of cholera? What literal and metaphoric functions does the cholera plague serve in this novel? How does it change the characters attitudes toward life? What light does it shed on Latin American society in the nineteenth century? a. Throughout the novel, the symptoms of love and cholera are seen as being one and the same, especially in Florentino’s case. At the beginning of he and Fermina’s early romance, Florentino’s mother mistakes his love sickness

Monday, December 9, 2019

Personal Hygiene And Beauty Products free essay sample

These products can be used at home or in a salon or spa. Personal Hygiene includes the following. Washing the body using bubble bath, shower gel etc Washing the hair using shampoo Cleaning of nails and hands with hand wash Washing the face using facial washes and scrubs Oral hygiene, taking care of the teeth and gums, and treating or preventing bad breath including daily brushing (with toothpaste) and flossing the teeth, to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. This also helps to treat and prevent bad breath cosmetic care of the body, such as shaving and other forms of depilation. Shampoo Shampoo is a common hair care product used for the removal of oils and sebum, dirt, skin particles, dandruff, environmental pollutants, build up of hair product and other contaminant particles that gradually build up in hair. The goal is to remove the unwanted build-up without stripping out so much as to make hair unmanageable. There are dozens of different brands to choose from when choosing a shampoo, and even more types within those brands. The same goes for conditioners. Conditioners are meant to add shine, protect hair from drying out and allow for easier combing. Popular Brands of Shampoo Pantene Pro-V Aussie Elvive Herbal Essences TRESemme Dove Head and Shoulders Garnier Fructis Types of Shampoo There are many shampoo types when considering specific hair types, these each have different active ingredients. Curly/wavy Example Curly Treatment shampoo by curly hair solutions This shampoo is a concentrate of panthenol and magnesium that strengthens the hairs elasticity (the ability for the hair to stretch without breaking). Silk amino acids were added to soften and repair even the roughest hair cuticle. Treatment Shampoo will deposit generous amounts of ingredients that are essential in rebuilding chemically damaged hair. Its effects are lasting and with continuous use will ensure healthy strong and fuller hair. Treatment Shampoo will dramatically prolong the results of colouring, perming and relaxing hair. Coloured Example Davines Alchemic Shampoo for Coloured hair Main Active Ingredients: Mild surfactants: Gently and carefully cleanse both hair and hair colour. Hydrolyzed milk protein: For an intense conditioning and protective action. Provitamin B5: For a deep moisturising effect Olive oil peg-7 esters: Derived from olive oil, restores the natural hydro-lipid balance, leaving hair that is healthy and protected. pH 5. 3 Frizz prone/ rebellious Example Davines Love Smoothing Shampoo This shampoo is specially formulated to nourish, smooth and soften harsh, frizzy hair. It delicately cleanses hair with a special blend of natural active ingredients containing intensive moisturizing and smoothing properties that respect the hair’s internal structure making it more manageable and easier to comb. It is infused with Indian Fig Extract to soften and smooth, and Olive Oil Peg 7 Ester to recover the moisture-lipid level which is essential for dry, frizzy strands. This essential moisture is vital for reducing the hair’s aging process that results from dehydration. Added Rice Proteins keep hair protected from environmental elements while eliminating static. Fine/flat Example PhytoVolume Shampoo Phytovolume is a volumizer shampoo for fine, limp, lifeless hair. Crustacean shell extract increase the moisture level in the hair shaft to make it swell for a fuller appearance. So tetrasodium EDTA is used to sequester the calcium and magnesium from the detergent, while keeping them soluble, so they rinse away without scum. Cocamide DEA (or MEA or TEA) is used as a foaming agent, to make the lather. The other surfactants will generate a certain amount of suds, but this foaming agent is added to get the amount just right. Besides its foam stabilizing effects, it is also a viscosity booster (its thick). Another foam stabilizing detergent is PEG-5 cocamide, which is a foam stabilizer, surfactant, and emulsifier. The detergent cocamidopropyl betaine is added for several of its special properties. It is milder on the skin than the benzine sulfonates, so adding it to the mix reduces the amount of the harsher detergents needed. It is thicker than the other ingredients, so it can be added to make the mix have the right viscosity. It has anti-static properties, so the hair doesnt generate an electric charge and jump to the plastic combs and brushes used when drying the hair. It is a humectant, attracting moisture from the air, thus keeping hair from drying out. Lastly, it has antibiotic properties that can prevent spoiling of the shampoo. The surfactant ammonium xylenesulfonate is a hydrotrope, a compound that makes it easier for water to dissolve other molecules. It is added as a thickener, and to help keep some of the odd ingredients added for marketing effect in solution, including perfumes. Glycerol stearate is another emulsifier used for this purpose. Special effects The wax glycol distearate is added to make shampoos opaque and pearlescent. It has tiny flakes that mix well with surfactants, and stay in solution. They also add shear-thinning qualities, making liquid hand soaps pump out of the bottle easier. Sodium chloride (table salt) is used to thicken the mixture if the main surfactants are sodium lauryl sulfates. If the surfactants are ammonium based, then ammonium chloride is used. Salt can make the shampoo harsh and sting the eyes, so more expensive thickeners are used to keep the salt levels low. Modified cellulose based thickeners are ften used, along with the surfactant based thickeners already mentioned. Glycerine is added as a humectant (draws moisture from the air), as is propylene glycol, which is also a preservative. There are many additives put in shampoos and conditioners that appear to be there mainly for marketing purposes. Honey, various herb extracts, and similar items might add to the fragrance, but are unlikely to have any effect in the concentrations used. Amino acids can act as conditioners, but the source of the amino acid is not important. Silk amino acids are no different from soy amino acids, except in the proportions of which particular amino acids are contained. Preservatives Two widely used preservatives, DMDM hydantoin and imidazolidinyl urea are found in many shampoos, to prevent fungal and bacterial spoilage. They release formaldehyde to kill germs. Another broad-spectrum biocide is isothiazolinone and the related methylisothiazolinone and methylchloroisothiazolinone. Sodium benzoate is another preservative used in shampoos. It kills bacteria, fungi, and yeasts, and works well in acidic mixtures. Another bactericide used is 2-bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol. Body Washes and bath Products Body washes also have different types but they are categorised according to skin type or condition. As well as normal skin types which can usually use any products and combination skin types that should shop around for different products. There are anti-aging products, products for acne, dry skin, oily skin and sensitive skin such as a child‘s skin. Skin types and conditions Anti-Aging Example Dove Pro-age Beauty Bath Pro Age Beauty Body Wash is for dull tired skin with 1/4 moisturizing cream for vital luminous skin. It is made to give aging skin what it needs; including faster cell turnover and plenty of rich nourishment and protection. It combines functional ingredients like glycerin, emollients, natural soy oil and olive oil to optimize cell turnover while gently cleaning your skin. Other active ingredients of anti-aging products Vitamins and antioxidants are found in almost every antiaging formulation. The best around is tretinoin, a vitamin A derivative that regenerates collagen lost over time and also stops further damage. US-based Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceuticals RENOVA, which contains tretinoin, is available by prescription only. However, studies published in 2007 reported that over-the-counter retinol-based lotions and moisturizers, if properly formulated and applied, can result in the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals before they can damage the skin. The leading ingredients are vitamins C and E. Each of these ingredients works to protect the skin from sun damage, but they are even more effective when used in combination, notes Burke. Other antioxidants that have shown potential in laboratory studies include alpha-lipoic acid, the soy isoflavone genistein, selenium, the milk-thistle-derived flavonoid mixture known as silymarin and ubiquinone (coenzyme Q10). None of these has yet undergone rigorous studies to confirm effectiveness in products for human use. Examples of vitamin ingredients include Stay-C 50 (vitamin C sodium ascorbyl phosphate) and ALL-Q plus (vitamin E in combination with Coenzyme Q10) from DSM Nutritional Products. Acne Example Acne Skin Nourishing Milk Bath This product is a unique formula It has a milk protein base which is rich in nourishing vitamins, amino acids and minerals. This product contains natural plant collagen from Oat Extract and Japanese Camellia Oil to feed the skin whilst keeping it soft and supple. It is also excellent for irritated, sensitive and excessively dry skin conditions. It has Benzoyl Peroxide as its active ingredient which has anti bacterial properties. Other active ingredients of acne products The ingredient of an acne product depends on its use. Some acne products have herbal ingredients known for curing acne and removing acne scasr. One of the active ingredients of an acne product in the market is the anti-bacterial agent known as Benzoyl Peroxide (which is the active ingredient of my acne bath product). It destroys the acne causing bacteria that causes drying and peeling effect thus preventing skin breakouts. Another one was a beta hydroxy acid from the bark of a willow tree called Salicylic Acid. This agent has a bigger molecule size that helps the beta hydroxy acid stay on the surface of the skin, allowing it to penetrate effectively as it exfoliates inside the pore and prevents the pores from clogging. The ingredient sulfur and resorcinol are often found together as they are rarely used alone in acne products in the market. Removing dead skin cells that clogs pores and removes excess oil from skin is the primary use of this ingredient. The use of products with these may cause redness and peeling but can actually help break down whiteheads and blackheads. Products with alcohol and acetone found generally in astringents can be a primary solution in removing dirt and oils from skin that causes acne build up if ignored.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ready For The Shot Essays - Archery, Compound Bow, Arrow

Ready For The Shot Tim Escott English 111-12g Phyllis Cox February 26, 2001 Ready for the Shot Its opening day of archery season for deer hunting. You wake up at five oclock in the morning and get your hunting clothes on and begin your long venture out in the woods to your hand made tree stand to be seated all before sunrise. As you are looking around in the woods you notice movement about thirty yards out. Its a nice twelve-point buck, the buck that every hunter dreams about. With your heart racing, one hundred fifty beats a minute you come to full draw. Your sights are locked in one little hair behind the shoulder of the deer. As you release the bowstring the arrow takes flight, and you miss. This happens to several hunters every year. They think they are ready for the shot, but in all truth theyre not. I will try to explain how to get a compound bow ready for the hunting season with help from Fred, an archery dealer. It can be difficult to decide what kind of bow you want. Before buying a bow get information about the many bows that are available. There are basically three types of compound bows: wheel pulleys, one cam, and two cam systems. Whichever one you choose the process to set up the bow is the same. The first thing you have to do is set the draw length to where you are comfortable. Fred says the best place to set the draw length is at the corner of your mouth. Now after finding your draw length, find out how many pounds you want to pull. If you are just starting out Fred suggest you should draw fifty pounds so you can get use to it. After you have a draw length and weight you need to choose an arrow. There are two different types of arrows, aluminum and carbon. There is a science to making an arrow selection. Lets say you have a thirty-inch draw length and you have a fifty-five pound draw weight. The length of the arrow should be one inch longer than your draw length. Aluminum and carbon arrows have a different system in how thick the arrow is. The aluminum arrow system is complex; since you shoot fifty-five pounds ands you need a 2219 and 2313. Fred said the first two numbers represents the circumference shaft; the last two numbers represent the thickness of the shaft walls. The higher the numbers the more weight they are. Carbon arrows are user friendly. Again since you shoot fifty-five pounds you would shoot a 55/65 or 45/55, those number resembles are how many pounds the arrow is capable of handling. If the draw weight falls in between the two numbers you can use that arrow. Since you have some of the basic components done and out of the way, now is when you start to bring the bow in the tune. A sighting system is a must. This consists of a sight bracket, sight pins, and a peep sight. The sight bracket and pins mount on the bow riser and the peep sight is mounted on the string that you look through. Since you have sight pins on your bow you will need to get stabilizer, string silencer, releaser, and an arm guard for protection because it will hurt if the string hits you. Begin the target shooting process at a short range, fifteen yards or less. Here you can check your groups, as well as adjust sight pins, peep sights, and get a feel for the bow. As soon as you start shooting, sight in you bow by moving your sight pins. Fred states, to get a bow sighted in can be very easy or difficult. If the arrow hits the target low move your sight pins lower. You move the pin the direction the arrow hit the target. The sight bracket should have at least three sight pins on it. Fred said to sight the first pin in at ten yards, the second at twenty yards, and the third at thirty yards. This is perfect pin selection for hunting. Next comes paper tuning. You must take your time; meticulous care in paper tuning is needed