Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Love in the Time of Cholera Essay - 651 Words

Written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the novel Love in the Time of Cholera deals with a passionate mans unfulfilled love and his quest of more than 50 years to win the heart of his true love. Its without question one of the most emotional depictions of love, but what separates it from similar novels is its suggestion that lovesickness is a literal disease, a plague comparable to cholera. The novels main character is Florentino Ariza, an obsessive young man who falls madly in love with a young girl named Fermina Daza. After a brief affair in which they see each other only in passing, Florentino gets rejected by Fermina. Florentino literally becomes sick and when his mother, Transito Ariza, finds his son in a pool of vomit, she reminds†¦show more content†¦After he sees Fermina for the first time, he immediately loses his voice and his appetite, and spends the entire night tossing and turning around in his bed. The situation gets even worse when he begins to wait for an answer for his letter. ...his anguish was complicated by diarrhea and green vomit, he became disoriented and suffered from sudden fainting spells, and his mother was terrified because his condition did not resemble the turmoil of love so much as the devastation of cholera. Florentino Arizas godfather, an old homeopathic practi#173;tioner who had been Transito Arizas confidant ever since her days as a secret mistress, was also alarmed at first by the patients condition, because he had the weak pulse, the hoarse breathing, and the pale perspiration of a dying man. In addition, this disease of his unfulfilled love forces him to do things he normally would not. At one time, he becomes so hopeless with his love that, in an attempt to understand the tastes of Fermina, he eats gardenias that her mother grows in their backyard and gets drunk by drinking cologne. As time passes, the sickness becomes even more powerful that it transcends the physical to the psychological. Florentino starts to demonstrate obsessive, borderline criminal behavior by stalking Fermina and constantly keeping watch on her house. When hes thrown to jail after serenading for Fermina with his violin, he feels martyred. And after Lorenzo Daza, father of Fermina, threatens toShow MoreRelatedLove in the Time of Cholera1167 Words   |  5 PagesLove Conquers All There are many themes that can be identified throughout the book, Love in the Time of Cholera. Love, as stated in the title, is one of the most important themes within the book. Love is channeled through all of the characters such as; Fermina Daza and Dr. Urbino, Florentino and all of his many affairs with different women, Dr. Urbino and his affair with Barbara Lynch, and most importantly the most powerful love throughout the book is the love between Florentino Ariza and FerminaRead MoreAnalysis Of Love In The Time Of Cholera1444 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"The only regret I will have in dying is if it is not for love.† Love in The Time Of Cholera is romantic, slightly comedic novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The novel was published in 1985, in Spanish, and then was later translated to spanish. The author switches tenses throughout the book to tell the story and include flashbacks. The novel Love in The Time Of Cholera is a novel about waiting for true love. Gabriel Garcia Mar quez uses figurative language to help the reader feel the story. 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