Sunday, May 24, 2020

Analysis Of The Film The Movie Get Out - 1121 Words

In America, racism as well as race relations are generally extremely sensitive subjects that are often brushed underneath the rug. Earlier this year, Jordan Peele’s Get Out graced the big screen, and left audiences with a great deal to digest. Peele’s first cinematic debut touched on the delicate topics of racism and the continuous devaluing of African American culture by â€Å"liberal† Caucasians in American suburbs. In this essay, one will explore the ways in which works written by modern political thinkers such as Nietzsche and Marx effortlessly add perspective through various theories on the difficulties brought to light in the motion picture, Get Out. The movie Get Out begins when a young interracial couple, Chris and Rose, go to meet†¦show more content†¦Conversely, Chris appears to resonate with the idea that the bourgeoisie did not necessarily free man from being bound to others, but the bourgeoisie improved conditions for individuals such as the proletariat who were destined to work underneath others. From Chris’s perspective, the symbolism of an affluent Caucasian family having colored help is a direct correlation to African Americans still being valued as second class modern proletariat citizens in the United States. Following the revelation of his girlfriend’s parents having colored help, Chris is warmly greeted by Rose’s seemingly tolerant and friendly parents. Rose’s parents try to make Chris feel at home by telling him stories of the family patriarch losing a shot at the Olympics due to Jesse Owens. Similarly, they reassured Chris that they would have voted for Obama again for a third term if they could have. The Armitages were undoubtedly trying very hard to make Chris feel comfortable and relaxed, nonetheless it left Chris and audience members alike feeling as if the Armitages were purely trying too hard. It is a commonly acknowledged notion that whenever an individual is going above and beyond to give the impression of being relatable in order to make someone feel comfortable, they are commonly hiding something. As Nietzsche put it, â€Å"To talk much about oneself may also be a means of concealing oneself,† (Nietzsche 169). Rose’s parents give the audien ce the impression that there is something bizarreShow MoreRelatedEssay on Production Report1087 Words   |  5 PagesThriller Movie, a Children’s Television Programme, A magazine or a Radio Advert. After looking at them carefully, I decided to produce an opening sequence of a Thriller Movie. The sequence had to be at least two minutes long. 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