Thursday, October 31, 2019

Child Pornography, an International Perspective Essay

Child Pornography, an International Perspective - Essay Example This paper further denotes that the development of technology, especially in video and computer technology has accelerated the growth of child pornography. In defining the term child pornography, this paper denotes that different countries have their own criteria of defining it. A contributing factor to the disparities in the definition of Child pornography is the standards set for defining a child. For instance, UNCRC defines a child as an individual aged 18 years and below. The paper has managed to give the definition of child pornography as the reproduction of a sexually explicit image of a child. It also distinguishes child erotica, from child pornography. It defines child erotica as materials that aid in child pornography, such as toys, sexually implicit manuals, and children clothing’s. This paper identifies boys and girls, irrespective of their ages as the victims of child pornography. According to this paper, a large percentage of children exploited through child porno graphy are male. Most of these children are poor and disabled, making them vulnerable to the exploitations. People who exploit children in a sexual manner come from the larger community, and influential members of the society are included. Most of these people are pedophiles, and they are always heterosexual. They are always attracted to any aspects of child pornography, from their production, to consumption. This problem is accelerated by the emergence of technology, especially in video technology, computers, and the internet. Computer system has made it possible for pedophiles to hunt their victims through social sites such as inter relay chat. This paper identifies countries where child pornography flourished, and it identifies countries such as Japan, United States of America, Holland, and Sweden as the main centers of the production of child pornographic materials. It denotes that tourism also played a major role in enhancing child pornography, and this is with the emergence of sex tourism. Most victims of sex tourism were found in third world countries such as Thailand. According to this paper, there are various uses of child pornography, and they are; I. To sexually arouse and gratify the offender. II. To justify and validate the pornographic behavior. III. To sexually seduce the child. IV. To preserve the child age of sexual preference. V. To blackmail the child in order to keep him or her quiet on the sexual experiences he or she has passed through. VI. For business purposes. VII. As a method of building trust with other sexual offenders. VIII. In order to gain access to other pornographic markets. On this basis therefore, child pornography contributes to a large extent to the exploitation and molestation of children. However, the paper denotes that this statement can be debated further. Child pornography can affect a child in two ways, namely through exposure to the pornography itself, and through filming of the child. Child pornography, affects the behavior of children in regard to their sexual believes, violence and force. They portray emotional withdrawal, anxiety and fear, and mood swings. These children are also at risk of becoming pedophiles, and sexual perpetrators at their adult hood. Because of these negative impacts of child porno

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

History Cold War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History Cold War - Essay Example In a letter of July 23, 1946, Wallace stressed Truman to work for the achievement of global order based on mutual trust, toleration and faith (Wallace, pp 587-600). Resultantly Truman asked him to resign. Wallace’s letter explains how Truman’s Doctrine of Containment became the foundation of Future American Foreign Policy based on the requirements of Cold War. Andrei Vishinsky conveyed his anger in the same tone in his speech at United Nations on September 18, 1947. Vishinsky was open while declaring that America was grounding for a war against Russia (White, pp121-122). It was under the same scenario that the world saw yet another mishap was imminent. Those who wanted peace around the globe worked for the removal of distrust between United States of America and the Soviet Union. Henry A. Wallace was one of such peace-lovers. He lashed out at the policies of the Truman regime which were helping emerge a cold war. Through his words, Wallace actively criticized Trumanâ₠¬â„¢s cold war mindset. He was aggrieved over the America’s policy of the Soviet Union and spoke against it in open words: â€Å"The flaw in this policy is simply that it will not work† (Wallace, p 592). He believed that both the countries could work together. Wallace wanted conciliation, mutual trust and respect and restraint by Americans towards the Russians. Doing this he foresees the solution of America’s many headaches: â€Å"Many of the problems relating to the countries bordering on Russia could more readily be solved once an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence is established† (Wallace, p597). Andrei Vishinsky, the Chairman of the Soviet delegation to the United Nations General Assembly spoke the same words. He termed the United States of America wholly responsible for creating the atmosphere of cold war: â€Å"A number of newspapers and magazines, mostly Americans cry every day and in every way about a new war† (White, p 121). He deni es America’s hue and cry that Russia was imposing a war on it: â€Å"the Soviet Union is not threatening in any way an attack on any country† (White, p 121). Vishinsky fears that America could even fight against those who presented or tried to present systems of their own other than Capitalism. As Soviet Union had adopted Communism which had more charm for the world than the Capitalism and America could not afford to lose its trust, it decided to fight the Soviet Union as well. Wallace speaks against the preparations of America against an expected war. He opines that America’s such preparations will compel the rest of the world to get atom bomb too and that will mean the destruction of the world for atomic war is the cheapest and easiest as against the traditional wars of the past which were costly and enjoyed more labor. The availability of atom bombs with many nations of the world will result in a fear-ridden society and abnormal psychology of the people aroun d the globe. America will have the possibility of falling victim to such violence because of its wealth. This is a dilemma and some have found the solution by presenting their theory of preventative war against the Soviet Union. They argue that before Soviet Union gets atom bomb, it should be attacked as to thwart the danger before it comes into existence. The only solution Wallace puts forth is the obeying of the Moscow Declaration which tells the nuclear disarmament of the nations and mutual trust. To stick to the idea that everything

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Costs and benefits of Globalisation on Indias Economy

Costs and benefits of Globalisation on Indias Economy Introduction In this essay we are about to go Global. Recent events on the financial market show how interdependent the world is. Common value should not be forbid but what about common losses. Who should be responsible for them? Many blame globalisation. What is it and does the world has other options to develop. Should we return to the strategies of the past? Or should we continue to live through an age of essential economic revolution? The term globalisation generates constant debates and controversies. But most of those who talk about globalisation are not even aware of its fundamentals. The term globalisation is used rather vaguely. Globalisation is the one specific modality of international integration. Technology has definitely changed the means of way we live and also the ways in which the business is done in world today. The country by means of internet connection and enthusiastic workers can have access to unlimited jobs and industries. Lets imagine a picture of a world where all limitations are disappearing. A world where there are no boundaries and where competition can come from anywhere. Thats the world where our future lies. To make this world a healthier place globalisation is going to play a very important role. There are some who believe that we must try to turn our back on this novel world. They also think that the chance to preserve our living standard is to make a fortress around the country and stop trading and depend only on our own industries. But at present it is impossible to turn back the waves of globalisation but in doing so we can actually make ourselves worst off. So instead of fearing the future we should embrace it. Globalisation and Structure of Indian Economy The best definition of globalisation has been expressed through a poem by Canadian economist Gerald Helleiner- The poor complain, they always do, but that is just idle chatter. Our system (globalisation) brings reward to all, at least to all who matter. Broadly speaking the term globalisation is most definitely an economic process. Even though it is modeled as a way of bringing the world together, globalisation is all about the business community breaking down the remaining barriers to the free flow of its capital around the world. It fundamentally means opening up of any country economy system and its integration among the other economies of the world. It involves liberalism and implementation of economic liberalization policies and reforms to promote the progression of private sector. The word globalisation itself means something new is happening to the world. The world is becoming a single place and experiencing global practices, values and technologies that are shaping people lives to the point that we are entering a global age. For India, there are ample confusions about the costs and benefits of globalisation. Generally Indians think that as the nation state has laid down their arms to globalisation all the perils are hurting and hunting. Data Source Projection: VMW Analytic ServicesIndias population is fast approaching a billion; this fact is easy to read but much more difficult to absorb one thousand million people, each of whom sees the world in a slightly or radically different way from the others. Since Indian independence in 1947, the economy of India has increased almost exponentially (Refer Fig. 1). From early 1990s, different governments have adopted inward oriented development strategies i.e. the state encouraging an economy through self sufficiency and a dominant role in the economy via state planning. Forces of demand and supply were not allowed to play any key role in resource allocation. ImportsAfter 1991 balance-of-payments crisis, where foreign currency reserves fell to $1 billion inflation went high to 17%, India laid numbers of stabilization-cum-structural adjustment measures with widespread effects. The main aim was to remerge the Indian economy with the world economy by reducing barriers to trade and investment, and deregulation of a highly bureaucratized economy. The Foreign Direct Investment was also encouraged to reduce the countrys reliance on debt-creating capital inflows, simultaneously renovating Indias ancient technologies and advancing easily into global markets. Exports India GDP growth from 1991 2007. Since then the real export growth rates of goods and services in 2006 and 2007 record high levels: 8.6% and 9.7% (Refer Fig. 2). The propellant growth of exports doubled Indias share in world exports of goods and services from 0.5% in 1991 to almost 1.7% in 2007. Even India imported 11.4% more goods in 2006 and 13% in 2007 as compared to the average growth rate from 1995 to 2005 (11.3%). As a result, Indias trade ratio of imports plus exports to GDP has twofold since 1991, from 16.5% to 45% in 2007. Regardless the unfinished reform agenda, Indias GDP growth (Refer Fig. 3) has increased >9% over the past 3 years, by an average of 5.8% annually during the period 1991-2004. It contributes nearly 2% to world GDP and around 1% to world exports of goods and services (Source: World Development Indicators). Consistent with excellent growth, per capita incomes were doubled from 1990 to 2007 and poverty dropped from 46% in 1986 to 36% in 2000. However, poverty remains a grave problem. Recently several economists and lobbyists have compared Indian economy with that of China but its progress path has been significantly different from Chinas. Indeed, it has been also very different from that followed earlier by Japan, Korea and the other Asian giants. Firstly, the recent economic rise in India is largely thanks to services rather than manufacturing sector. India has became a global player in several services sectors such as IT and business process outsourcing, while its manufacturing sector keep suffering from low productivity. Secondly, the 2/3rd of Indias population still rely on agriculture for a living as compared other Asian countries and thirdly, India try to remains closed to trade in comparison to other developing and emerging countries. Even FDI inflows have also ten folded in last two decades. It has been tripled since 2005 and in 2007 it was around $23 billion (Data Source: Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Economic survey). But India is not yet as present in the Central and Eastern Europe markets as China is. Its share in the European market was 0.7% (2006), almost unchanged from 1990s. However, Chinas share in these markets has increased sharply from 1.3% in 1992 to 5.7% in 2006 (Data Source: OECD). Indian has the potential and should make the efforts to move from good growth to rapid constant growth. The problem in India lies in the spurring productivity which is badly affected by the low education and health reforms and also by the petite openness of the Indian economy. Indias weak infrastructure has hurt the booming potential of Indian production. From undependable energy, lacking water supply to bad road and train conditions, infrastructure shortages have created high business costs across the sectors (Source : OECD, 2007c). Benefits and Costs of Globalisation on Indian Economy Globalisation has been a classical process with ups and downs. Its growth has been largely led by the technological forces in the fields of transport and communication. The flow of trade has been frequent and there are lesser barriers for the people across the geographical boundaries. There are less tax barriers and fewer limitations on fund flows. India is no exception to globalisation. In year 1991, when we were neck-deep in financial deficit, very high inflation (around 17%), balance of payments crisis and low industrial production, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailed us out with significant loans with assistant Structural Adjustment Program (SAP). This guided in Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. Indian Economy has undergone many important reforms in the 1990s. The LPG model has helped the Indian economy to grow rapidly and become internationally competitive. From early 1991, a new epoch has dawned for India and its huge population. This formidable phase of economic evolution has had a wonderful impact on the overall Indias economic development. All major sectors of the economy have improved dramatically and its effects over the last decade can hardly be ignored. Moreover, it has marked the dawn of the real integration of Indians economy into Worlds economy. Globalisation has created many employments bought large investments to India. Our economy has been on the rise at good rates for the past few years many new prospects have opened up for India. We have highly benefited from economies of scale. The change in global barriers has permitted the companies to profit from the largest cheapest labor market, raw material and technology. Foreign businesses have significantly augmented their investments in Indian industries. The salaries of industrial labor have improved largely; therefore, the lock outs and strikes have declined sharply as labor is happy. Now days business market has no boundaries and companies can promote their products globally. This has helped the Indian companies to lay hand on global technologies which has certainly increased our qualities of living standards. Indian Entrepreneurs has been more aware about the competitors, recent trends and quality of products. The competition between the global companies can be seen in the improve qualities of the brands and services to the customer. Presently, we can talk about the story of two Indias: We have the best of times; we have the worst of times. There is bright prosperity, there is high poverty. We have stunning 5 star hotels with dark ill-starred homes. Globalisation gave us everything, globalisation gave us nothing. Although Rajiv Gandhi government, the sixth prime minister of India, introduced some economic reforms between 1985 -1989 but it was the Narasimha Rao government, ninth prime minister of India from 1991-1996, that gave a exact shape and started the novel economic reforms in India. Below are the highlights of some extreme benefits of globalisation on Indian Economy: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate: The rate of increase of Indias real GDP was low during 1980-90 (5.6%) to 1993-2001 (7%). But in the last few years, the GDP annual growth rate in India has been remarkable i.e. 7.5% (2003-2004), 8.5% (2004-2005), 9% (2005-2006) and 9.2% (2006-2007) (Ref Fig. 3). Present P.M. Dr. Manmohan Singh is certain to have a 10% increase in the GDP for 11th five year plan (2007 2012). In 2006-2007, the sectors contributing highest in GDP growth are Industry sector (26%), Service sector (55%) and Agriculture sector (19%) (Ref Fig. 4). The increase in GDP has in fact helped to increase the foreign exchange reserves from $39 billion (2000-01), $107 billion (2003-04), $145 billion (2005-06), $200 billion (2007-2008) to around $268 billion on 1st February 2011 (Source: IMF). Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Since early 2003, Indias FDI promotion board is officially run by government i.e. Ministries of Economic and Finance. Since then there has been drastic reforms in the rules and regulations of FDI in India. The FDI is now acknowledged as a key driver of development in the country. India is ranked 2nd in international FDI in year 2010 behind 1st ranked China and ahead of Brazil Russia and it will continue to be in the top 5 destinations to draw global investors during 2010-12 (Source: World Investment Prospects Survey 2009-2012 by UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)). India attracted cumulative FDI equity inflows of $122.68 billion from mid 2000 to end 2010, according to the data released by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP). In October 2010, the FDI inflows were $1,392 million. The figure 5 on next page shows the Indias top cities and sectors which attracted highest FDI inflows in Jan 2008 (Source: DIPP I ndia). The main attractive sectors have been information technology, telecom, services, healthcare and telecommunications. India controls almost 45% of the global outsourcing market with income more than $50 billion. Imports and Exports: The general idea of the independence movement in India (year 1940s), led by great M. Gandhi, was based on the hatred for anything foreign, especially the one originating from Britain. The imported goods were burnt on regular basis and everyone believed that everything can be produced home. The belief was that we can be self reliant and self dependent and import of goods can bring the foreign dominance. In 2009, 7 decades later India ranked 15th in world in terms of import volume and 22nd in the terms of export volume. In 2004 2005 our imports were $107 billion (Ref Table 1), a record increase of around 36% as compared to $79 billion in 2003 2004. The exports also jumped by 24% recording $79 billion as compared to $63 billion the previous fiscal. The oil imports increased by 19% and the import bill zoomed from $21 billion to $29 billion in two fiscal years. Other imports excluding oil were $77 billion in 2004 2005 that is 34% higher than $58 billion in 2003 20 04. Other Benefits: Information Technology (IT) and outsourcing has been given a special status in the growth of Indian economy. The reason may be that the government desires to present our country as a technological advanced nation and to achieve this they must encourage the IT sector. The term special status means that the sector and global / local investors will get many special advantages from the government. Furthermore, the impact of the global economies has influenced the Indian education system over the last few years. Improved educational institutions, hi- tech colleges, advanced schools are the fruits of globalisation. The colleges have implemented the developed teaching technologies, to make the students aware of the latest developments. India is in the 4th position in respect to market capitalization with $894 billion after the US ($17,000 billion), Japan ($4800 billion) and China ($1000billion). India should soon cross the trillion $ mark. Even though we have not so far reached the end of history but globalisation has sure took us closer to the end of geography. The globalisation has not always been fair. The cash flow over the last two decades has been very unsymmetrical. Every $1 of aid money to poor countries, the rich countries get $10. It has deepened the poverty and inequality. It has affected both the social and political stability among and within states. Capital rights are given more advantages over the labor rights. The trade and finance rule are unfair and this has had mixed effects on rich and poor countries. In India, the main casualties of globalisation are the poverty and the agriculture sector. Here are some costs which India paid because of globalisation: Agriculture Sector: Agriculture has always been the strength of the Indian economy. It plays crucial part not only in providing food to people, as well as the supply of raw material to industries and to export trade. 60% of the Indian population works in agriculture sector and however its contribution in GDP is only 20.6%. India agricultural growth continued to drop down from 13% in 2003 to 1% in 2002-2003 (Source: This set back in agriculture is in contrary to 6% expansion in Indian economy in last decade. The reasons of this decrease, according to Economic Survey 2006-07, are: less investments, disproportions in fertilizer use, low seeds replacement rate, a distorted incentive system and low post-harvest value addition. Indian farmers are offered almost no subsidiaries and very less help from government. The Indian government has taken no significant measures to negotiate with foreign companies to set up technologies for the farmers assistance. All these factors have led to decrease in the income of the farmers and have increased the rural debts. In 2000, the farmer suicides were registered to 12% of total suicides in the country. Poverty: Though globalisation has drastically improved our living standards but still it doesnt have the significant effect in improving the poverty. According to 2007 Forbes list, the number of billionaires in India has risen to 40 and yet there is 80% of Indias population which lives on less than $2 a day. Nevertheless, Indian government is making lots of efforts to improve poverty in rural areas. They are trying to provide more facilities to the poorer. The 2005 World Bank estimation was that 41% of Indian population live below the international poverty line of $1.25 a day. So India government has still a long way to go to improve the poverty situation of India. Industry: The globalisation has raised a high competition between the foreign companies and domestic companies. As the foreign products being better, the people prefer to buy them instead of Indian ones. This has reduced significantly the amount of profit of India companies. The new technology has reduced the requirement of labor and thus resulted in the cost of their jobs. No doubts that the effects have been positive as well as negative but the Indian government should make such economic policies related to industry that are beneficial and not harmful. Human trafficking and increase in diseases like HIV are also the very high cost paid for globalisation. And the pity is that womens and childrens are among the most exposed to it. Conclusions Globalisation has provided India the opportunity to grow substantially. Though we have to be more careful on the whole as all the economies are linked together and crisis in one economy have drastic effect on others and recent events has confirmed that. But still globalisation has definitely helped India to become a better economy. We have the abilities and skills to adapt and change according to the flow of global market. In the end my keen hope for the betterment and the bright future of our country is to go out and face this globalising world. I am certain that India of 2025 will be a different place. It will be much more leading force in the world economy, than 25 years ago or even at the start of the 21st century.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Cigarette Smoking Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays

Cigarette Smoking The effects of cigarette smoking can be horrifying. Smoking is dangerous not only to those who smoke, but to non-smokers and unborn children as well. Cigarette smoking is also physically and socially harming.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The large particles in cigarette smoke, commonly known as â€Å"tar†, collect in the branching points of the lungs. The tar contains carcinogenic compounds that increase the risk of lung cancer. The small particles in cigarette smoke, including carcinogens, irritants, and corrosive chemicals, collect in the small air sacs in the lungs and damage them. These air sacs are where the blood absorbs oxygen from the air. When the small particles from the cigarette smoke are absorbed into the blood stream and transported to other parts of the body, they include a variety of diseases.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The smoke from a burning cigarette is a mixture of hot gasses and different sized particles that fills the air with over 4000 chemicals, including 43 carcinogens and over 400 other toxins (Glantz & Daynard, 1991). One of the gasses emitted by cigarette is carbon monoxide, a colorless and orderless poison. By attaching to hemoglobin, the carbon monoxide lessens the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. There are many effects of cigarette smoking on the actual smoker. They include lung cancer and other cancers, cardiovascular malfunctions, strokes, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Cigarette smoking may even lead to changes in the smoker’s appearance such as early wrinkling and yellowing of their teeth. Heart disease and cardiovascular malfunctions are also major effects of cigarette smoking. A chemical in cigarette smoke called glycoprotein attaches to smooth muscle cells inside arteries, causing the interior of these cells to grow. The hollow space inside the artery narrows, which could cause a blockage of the blood flow to the heart and may lead to heart pains or possibly a heart attack. Lung cancer is responsible for 117,000 American deaths per year according to the American Cancer Society (1992). It is the cause of 25% of all cancer deaths and 5% of all deaths (Schaadt, 1992). Most carcinogens are the actual particles in cigarette smoke that may cause lung cancer. The particles include tar, metals (nickel and cadmium), and other chemicals such as benzophyrene and dibenzanthracene. The lung airwaves are c... ...f their stress, it is actually causing harmful effects from them and others. Cigarette smoking causes many types of cancers including lung cancer. Strokes, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema also arise from cigarette smoking. Non-smokers suffer from many of the same cancers and diseases, and often more such as coughing, wheezing, irrated eyes and throat, and asthma. Children living with smokers become passive smokers causing decreases in weight and height. There are many dangers as a result of cigarette smoking not only to smokers, but to non-smokers as well. Bibliography Bowman, L. (1995, August). New Research: Chew, Don’t Smoke, If you need nicotine. Scripps Howard News Service (Online). Gano, L. (1989). Smoking. San Dfiego, CA: Lucent Books Inc. Glantz, S.A & Daynard, R.A (1991, June). Safeguarding the workplace: Health Hazards of Secondhand Smoke. Trial (Online). Monroe, J. (1995). Nicotine. Springfield, N.J: Enslow Publishers Inc. Pietrusza, D. (1997). Smoking. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books Inc. Schaadt, R.G (1992). Tobacco and Health. Guilford, CT: The Dushkin Publishing Group, Inc.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lowering the Drinking

The central plank of the debate is the determination of minimum age of drinking. The society will be happier where the states interference is less and where it allows the full freedom and liberty to the citizens with qualified restrictions. The actions taken and legislations passed by the governments are just for the welfare of the state with public policy. The heated discussion on Lowering the Drinking is not a new one and it came into spotlight with Jenna Bush’s arrest for consuming alcohol and buying it with fake identification. The social contract theory says that men have right to the sovereign to organize them in better way. The sovereign was not a party to the contract. The people authorized and give up the right of governing themselves to the sovereign who came into being as a result of the contract. [1] It is given the right of make laws. Law is the expression of general will. According to Rousseau â€Å"A law is a resolution of the whole people, for the whole people, touching a matter that concerns all†. Law must relate to general interest. It represents the general will. The enactments of the government are merely a corollary of the general will. So the laws framed regarding the drinking age also should go with the general will. The national minimum drinking age act, 1984 give 21 years as the minimum age of drinking in USA. In many countries there is no age restriction on the drinking and in countries like Indonesia, Malaysia it is 17 year. The present laws set the age of drinking as 21 [2] and it was 24 years back it came into force. And it is time look back with the resent development in social as well as technological development. There are several issues where the importance of age is taken into account. some of them are Marriage Adult franchise Capital Punishment Military Services The above mentioned are very important which are having affinity with the Society, Legislature, Judiciary and Executive (defense). They all prescribed the minimum age of their eligibility’s 18 years. But the age of drinking is declared as 21 years. The detailed discussion of them shows their importance and its relevance to the society. Marriage: According to Black law dictionary, â€Å"The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife is called marriage.† It is regarded as civil contract by the common law. The essentials of the valid marriage are 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   the parties are legally capable of contracting marriage 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   mutual consent or agreement, and 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   An actual contracting in the form prescribed by law. The essential ‘The parties are legally capable of contracting marriage’ goes with lot of interpretation. The legally capable to contracting marriage in regarding the age varies from religion to religion generally and with the uniform civil code it is given to the states to make laws on their own. For a marriage minimum age, license, proof, application, consent for underage applicant is required. ‘SEC. 3. (1) R. S. 1846, Chap. 83 (Amended by Act No. 44, P.A. 1956) Every person who becomes 18 years of age shall be capable by law of contracting marriage. Every person who becomes 16 years of age but is less than 18 years of age shall be capable of contracting marriage with the written consent of 1 of the parents of the person or the person's legal guardian, as provided in this section.’[3] So the eligible age for marriage is 18 and even 16 is allowed with the prescribed procedure. Marriage is one of the important institutions in the society. If the a person is allowed to go with that important responsibility and have the metal power, then why not a person is not allowed to drink at that age. Voting; The adult suffrage is the fullest implication of democracy and it is the most striking feature implication of democracy and it is most striking feature of the constitution. The ‘section 1, of the twenty-sixth amendment-reduction of voting age qualification gives the right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the united states or by any state on account of age’.[4] If the person is eligible to decide which government he want and what will be the pros and cons of that government establishment, cant he think on the drinking and the limits of the drinking. With the development of mass media each and every point of manifesto are clearly analyzed and by taking that inputs only the people are voting. Now the leaders are also focusing on the youth issue which shows their importance in the elections. Being so important decision makers of a future government they can also decide on the level of drinking. So the age of drinking should be brought down to the age of voting right. Capital Punishment; Capital punishment is the highest punishment in the penology knows to man. It deprives the criminal’s life and existence. Modern Penologists, jurists, jurisprudents e.t.c preferred it for the grave and heinous crimes only. According to the reformative theory â€Å"No one is a born criminal. A criminal is the product of the social and economical circumstances.† Modern psycho-analysts, criminologists, sociologist’s e.t.c are  Ã‚   behind this modern theory. The one of the recent case Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S 551(2005) the Supreme Court held that the minimum age at time of crime to be subject to the death penalty is 18. The judiciary is regarded as best institution for its reasoning on any issue. If the court itself is defending the decision and declared that at age of 18 the person is reasonably prudent and he have total knowledge about the society why cant it allow the person to drink at   the age of 18. Now almost 19 states and federal government had set a minimum age of 18 for capital punishment Military services The person having 18 years of age is eligible to enter into the military services and can serve the nation up to 49 years. Even a person of 17 years of age, with parental permission, can join the U.S. armed services.   There is a strong point that a person with 18 years is serving the nation with commitment, responsibility and attitude to serve the nation. If this is the case cant a person with 18 can’t have liberty drink. Conclusion: It is the time to re-look at the existing law with the advancement of the science and technology and improvement is the communication has enhanced the capabilities of a person.[5] The drinking problems can be reduced with alternative legislations. All people should not suffer due to few deterrents, so more though laws on the violators are a good measure.   Now the people are in a position to decide what is good and what is bad by 18 years itself. If the person is able to decide on the marriage, voting and joining into defense services, he can also think as a prudent person on the drinking also. So the minimum age of drinking should be brought down to 18 years. References: 1.VD. Mahajan, origin of state, Political theory,(1988), 4th edition , S. Chand and Company. 2. Radley Balko, Back to 18, A new chorus of critics says it's time to lower the drinking age, April 12, 2007 < Marriage Laws, 2008 Washtenaw County, MI> 3. Selected Michigan    4.   Ã‚  Reduction Of Voting Age Qualification, 1995, United States Government Printing Office, 5. The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Debate, [1] VD. Mahajan, origin of state, Political theory,(1988), 4th edition , S. Chand and Company. [2]   Radley Balko, Back to 18, A new chorus of critics says it's time to lower the drinking age, April 12, 2007 ;; [3] Selected Michigan Marriage Laws, 2008 Washtenaw County, MI ; [4]  Ã‚   Reduction Of Voting Age Qualification, 1995, United States Government Printing Office, ;; [5] The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Debate, ;;

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Oryx And Crake Essay Real One

Drawing parallels to modern society, Tattoo's three main concerns are the negative side of globalization, the loss of a middle class, the negative side of libations and excessive human exploitation for personal gain. Furthermore, the limited omniscient point of view and a metaphor helps to highlight the dark aspects of increasing globalization. In a globalizes world with endless flow Of information, people are exposed to excessive amounts Of negative data which makes everyone afraid. Atwood even gives the impression that she is not in favor of this trend: â€Å"too much hardware, too much software, too many performs† (34).This growing fear makes people realize the possibility of more threats. Therefore, groups of individuals, specially those inside the Compounds such as Organic, tend to isolate themselves within the safety and comfort of the Compound walls to avoid â€Å"too much envy, fanaticism and bad faith† (34) out in the Planeloads. Ultimately, the vast majority p rize their privacy more than ever since globalization not only benefits people by making it easier for them to connect together, but also leaves people more susceptible to bad influence from their surroundings.In this case, the limited omniscient point of view points out the limited social contact that the people of the Compounds have with the Planeloads. Although globalization might bring some groups closer, the profound effect actually divides society apart. Moreover, a metaphor is used to describe how the relationship between the Crackers and normal human beings relate to that of developed nations and developing nations. As the Crackers came into existence, humans are left behind as they lack the physical attributes and survivability in the midst of a pandemic apocalypse.In a similar way, less developed countries are cut off and are not receiving the plus side from the globalization of developed countries: eke the door of a great vault shutting' (50). Both literary devices stress the imminent occurrence of a more isolated world. Atwood examines the disappearance of the middle class by emphasizing the dichotomy of the upper and lower class through the usage of juxtaposition or contrast. The comparison is first made by describing the physical layout of the communities.Members of the elite live in heavily gated communities known as Compounds while the majority of the poor reside in the Planeloads or the cities in which public security is low. People of the Compounds are inconsiderably better off, possessing luxuries with the likes of ‘the house, the pool, the furniture† (33), as opposed to â€Å"the addicts, the muggers, the paupers, the crazies† (33) of the Planeloads roaming about the city wreaking havoc in the streets. Both classes have developed mistrust due to the seclusion and a lack of interaction: â€Å"Compound people didn't go to the cities unless they had to and then never alone† (33).From the noticeable segregation, a sens e of unity between the two is slowly slipping away with the possibility of causing disastrous consequences. Therefore, the elite have more power of taking advantage of the Planeloads for their own betterment. As one example of exploitation, corporations in the compound continuously create diseases targeted towards the Planeloads, thus making immense profit by forcing them to buy their medications, which often worsens their health.Without the middle class acting as a stabilizer, members of the upper class are more susceptible to immoral behavior towards the lower class, leading to extreme social imbalance. By using hyperbole and irony, Atwood argues that there will always be the exploitation of the poor and weak in society. Similar to Jimmies father, many medical workers Of the compound are always discovering new alternatives to gain profit from the poor: â€Å"The rewards in the case of success would be enormous† (65).Knowing that these people are desperate for sustenance and financial aid, they take advantage of their vulnerability and deceive them by using them as test subjects to test the deadly effects of their newly created diseases. These tests often have detrimental consequences to the test subjects, leading to physical impairment and sometimes death. The destitute individuals are compensated very little for their services and are mostly unaware of the deadly consequences that may arise.