Thursday, October 31, 2019

Child Pornography, an International Perspective Essay

Child Pornography, an International Perspective - Essay Example This paper further denotes that the development of technology, especially in video and computer technology has accelerated the growth of child pornography. In defining the term child pornography, this paper denotes that different countries have their own criteria of defining it. A contributing factor to the disparities in the definition of Child pornography is the standards set for defining a child. For instance, UNCRC defines a child as an individual aged 18 years and below. The paper has managed to give the definition of child pornography as the reproduction of a sexually explicit image of a child. It also distinguishes child erotica, from child pornography. It defines child erotica as materials that aid in child pornography, such as toys, sexually implicit manuals, and children clothing’s. This paper identifies boys and girls, irrespective of their ages as the victims of child pornography. According to this paper, a large percentage of children exploited through child porno graphy are male. Most of these children are poor and disabled, making them vulnerable to the exploitations. People who exploit children in a sexual manner come from the larger community, and influential members of the society are included. Most of these people are pedophiles, and they are always heterosexual. They are always attracted to any aspects of child pornography, from their production, to consumption. This problem is accelerated by the emergence of technology, especially in video technology, computers, and the internet. Computer system has made it possible for pedophiles to hunt their victims through social sites such as inter relay chat. This paper identifies countries where child pornography flourished, and it identifies countries such as Japan, United States of America, Holland, and Sweden as the main centers of the production of child pornographic materials. It denotes that tourism also played a major role in enhancing child pornography, and this is with the emergence of sex tourism. Most victims of sex tourism were found in third world countries such as Thailand. According to this paper, there are various uses of child pornography, and they are; I. To sexually arouse and gratify the offender. II. To justify and validate the pornographic behavior. III. To sexually seduce the child. IV. To preserve the child age of sexual preference. V. To blackmail the child in order to keep him or her quiet on the sexual experiences he or she has passed through. VI. For business purposes. VII. As a method of building trust with other sexual offenders. VIII. In order to gain access to other pornographic markets. On this basis therefore, child pornography contributes to a large extent to the exploitation and molestation of children. However, the paper denotes that this statement can be debated further. Child pornography can affect a child in two ways, namely through exposure to the pornography itself, and through filming of the child. Child pornography, affects the behavior of children in regard to their sexual believes, violence and force. They portray emotional withdrawal, anxiety and fear, and mood swings. These children are also at risk of becoming pedophiles, and sexual perpetrators at their adult hood. Because of these negative impacts of child porno

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